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Submission for Playground Series – Season 3, Episode 12 Competition

Project Overview

In this project, I utilized a Python-based Kaggle kernel to perform comprehensive data analysis and predictive modeling for a machine learning competition. My main objective was to predict a target variable using an ensemble machine learning algorithm (CatBoost) based on various physiological features.

Tools and Libraries Used

– Python: Programming language of choice for data manipulation and modeling.
– Pandas & NumPy: For data processing and linear algebra operations.
– Scikit-learn: Utilized for data scaling and model evaluation.
– Seaborn & Matplotlib**: For generating visual insights into the data.
– CatBoost: An ensemble machine learning algorithm which is robust on categorical data.

Data Handling

– Data Loading: I imported data from multiple sources within the Kaggle environment and used functions to explore the size and nature of the datasets (train and test).
– Data Exploration: I performed an initial exploration to understand the distributions and relationships in the data, using correlation matrices and visual plots.
– Data Visualization: Utilized heatmaps to explore correlations between features, and scatter plots to visualize relationships between key feature pairs across different conditions.

Feature Engineering

I created additional features to help improve the model’s predictive power, which included:
– Ratios and products of existing features to uncover interaction effects.
– These new features aimed to provide the model with more nuanced information than the original features alone.

Predictive Modeling

– Preprocessing: I normalized the feature set to ensure that the model treated all features with equal importance.
– Model Training: Employed the CatBoostRegressor with stratified k-fold cross-validation to both enhance the robustness of the predictions and mitigate overfitting.
– Model Evaluation: Evaluated the model using ROC AUC score, providing a single performance metric that describes its ability to discriminate between the classes.


– The model training process was iteratively refined to optimize the ROC AUC scores across the validation folds.
– Final predictions were made on the test dataset, and the results were formatted into a submission file ready for competition submission.


This project encapsulated the end-to-end process of using advanced machine learning techniques to predict outcomes based on complex interactions between physiological features. The use of CatBoost and careful feature engineering significantly boosted the predictive accuracy, showcasing the power of ensemble learning in handling multifaceted datasets.

Portfolio Consideration

This project demonstrates my ability to:
– Manage and preprocess data efficiently in Python using industry-standard libraries.
– Utilize advanced machine learning techniques for robust predictive modeling.
– Critically analyze and visualize data to uncover underlying patterns and relationships.
– Optimize and evaluate machine learning models effectively using cross-validation and performance metrics.

The skills and methodologies I applied in this project are directly transferable to various problems in data science, particularly in scenarios requiring nuanced feature analysis and robust model evaluation. This project not only highlights technical proficiency but also strategic thinking in solving complex real-world problems using data-driven insights.

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